2E Tactical Amplifier MAVKA GREEN N-Type, Tripode 2.8m, mounting


2E MAVKA GREEN is an updated tactical tri-band active antenna with modified N-type connectors, allowing for the use of longer cables with less signal attenuation. It uses two tri-band amplifiers for two ports with TX/RX mode for each. This is the first active antenna designed for new DJI models operating on three frequencies.

  • Operating range: 2.4G-2.5G/5.15-5.85 GHz
  • Output power: 5W × 2/40 dBm
  • N-type allows the use of external cables up to 35 m in length
  • Maximum compatibility with controllers modified for Alientech, Avengers, FourHawks, Alice, or others (when using 2E cables and 2E adapters)
  • Comes with a hard-protective case for transportation and storage
Where to buy
Type The antenna is active
Frequency range 2400-2500 МГц / 5150-5850 МГц
Maximum output power 40 дБм (10 Вт)
Antenna gain 15 дБ ±1 / 18 dB ±1
Battery capacity 8000 mAh
Reception gain 16 дБ ±1
Transmission gain 18 dB ±1
Trigger input power 3 - 23 дБм
EVM 3%@33dBm 802.11g 54Mbps OFDM 64QAM BW 20MHz / 3%@33dBm 802.11a54Mbps OFDM 64QAM BW 20MHz
Noise figure <2,5 дБ
Consumption 2.2A@Pout40dBm 12V
TX/RX switching delay <1 мс
Charging voltage 5В/2А
LED Indicator 4 Blue LED
Charging port USB Type-C
Cable connector type N-Type-Female
Temperature range of use -40-70 °C
Storage temperature range -40-150 °C
Humidity during operation До 95% відносної вологості
Features штатив 2.8 м / кріплення
Dimensions 230x146x39 мм
Body material Алюміній
Complete set Антена / Гайковий ключ / Документація / Кабель USB / Кейс / Комплект пігтейлів / Кріплення на штатив / Лопатка / Викрутка / Пінцет / Шестигранний ключ / Штатив
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Its features, including extended flight range and incredible signal stability, are provided by low-noise amplifiers with 10W power output. The 8000 mAh battery capacity ensures long autonomous operation, while the high-speed USB Type-C port enables quick charging.

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